Tuesday, 21 November 2017

Maybe Everything Was Meant To Be

Maybe everything was meant to be like this in life. Maybe you may think why I did that but then you think why would I ever want to change that. You may want to change something you did but in the future you will be glad you made that mistake. Mistakes happen but mistakes make who you are. So live life with as few regrets. Enjoy life while you are here.

Tuesday, 27 October 2015


Are you excited for Halloween? I know I am.So be safe on Halloween.If you would like more see my other blog Hello...What. Happy Halloween

Thursday, 17 September 2015

Do You Ever Feel.....

Do you ever feel like you never belong even though everyone likes you?
Do you ever feel that you never want to grow up but the days keep going faster and faster?
Do you ever feel that people are making fun even though the are not?
Do you ever feel nobody likes you and you are alone?
Do you ever feel that the person you like likes someone else but doesn’t show it?
Do you ever feel that nobody wants to talk to you and you have to talk to yourself?
Do you ever feel you have to accept everyone even though they are your enemy or nobody you like?
Do you ever feel nothing will ever go your way no matter if it is good or bad?

Do you ever feel nothing is right in the world?

Leave a comment about what you feel.See you later!!!!!

Tuesday, 14 July 2015

Don't Worry

If you don't know who your teacher may be don't worry.Who ever you get just be good and have fun with who ever your teacher is and even who ever is in your class.Enjoy the time you have because you may not get it back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!DON'T WORRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Have fun this school year and this summer!

Sunday, 14 June 2015

My Hero

My hero is Kacy Catanzaro.If you don't know how she is look her up on youtube at American Ninja Warrior!!!!!!

Saturday, 13 June 2015

Saturday, 25 April 2015


Hi so I had 3 badminton tournaments and one was at my school and I lost 2 f my singles games and won a game.In doubles I lost 2 games and won 2 games.At another tournament I lost 3 singles games and won 2.We didn't do doubles.At my last tournament I lost 2 games and I won 3 games in doubles I won a silver medal.That is ti for today.